Class Notes, May/June 2009

Dave Salter has felt distant from the College and wished to have more interaction academically with it. Fred Chase has been interested in sustainability issues, and Blair Law, Paul Emory,Honus Wagner, Tom Bloomer , and Tom Wilson have wished to address various other collateral issues. David Halloran spoke of this in our newsletter and web page. Harlan Fair, our point man in Hanover responded, and after consulting with Roberta Moore of the Alumni Office has provided a set of links to an entire array of lectures and other opportunities which take advantage of Dartmouth’s continuing education programs. The links which will be published on our web page as well as our class newsletter are for now, Alumni Education, Alumni Travel, Official Dartmouth Utube co-branded website,Tuck on line lectures,Thayer Lecture series, digital library for alumni, and general Dartmouth interest video/audio. Harlan tells me that more and more lectures are being taped, and will be available for alumni.

From Donald Carpenter Goss comes this news note. President James Wright, Susan Wright, Vice President Carrie Pelzel , Margaret and Andy Sigler, and Lillian and Donald Goss gathered for a luncheon in the Margaret and Andy Sigler Conference Room in Kemeny Hall. The purpose of this auspicious luncheon was to celebrate and dedicate the placement of a portrait of Andy Sigler. President Wright made a few personal remarks about his respect for Andy thanking him for his continuing contributions to Dartmouth. Donald concluded his note by writing, ”We parted at 2:30 PM basking in the glow of comradeship and fellowship of Dartmouth and even more respect for the professionalism and caring of this great College.”

Michael Zarin, has offered a solution to our financial problems which many in our group say is excellent, but perhaps too simple for many politicians to absorb. It relates to the use of the existing section 102 of the TARP legislation to end the credit crunch and keep homeowners in their homes. You can learn more at

Sadly, I must report the death of Harvey Medlinsky. I offer, for our Class, our most sincere condolences to his wife Jill and son Jared.
Mark H. Smoller; 4 Schuyler Drive, Jericho, NY 11753; (516)938-3616;

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