Class notes July/August-2008

            It has been fifty-five years since the Class of 1953 emerged from this idyllic place into the real world. a fact which  has encouraged  me to think of the events that had transpired in1953 before  commencement in the  context of today . We were one month from the end of the Korean War,  Ernest Hemingway won the Pulitzer Prize for The Old Man and the Sea. Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first humans to reach the summit of Mount Everest. From Here to Etermity won the Academy Award, while former U.K Prime Minister Tony Blair entered our planet in May, and his life expectancy was 68.2 years. The average income in the US was $4,651.00, and the price of a gallon of gasoline was twenty cents..A newly elected President Eisenhower spoke at commencement and delivered  his memorable book-burning speech, off the cuff. As we look to the future, each of these little historical nuggets will be replicated in some form or degree, and we  hope that each in its own way adds to the peace, health, and prosperity of this planet.
            Back to the present now, and Put Blodgett continues to enjoy the outdoors. He writes,” The last week of February, eight of us, including my oldest son, Peter '74, skied cross-country between two of Appalachian Mountain Club's recently-purchased sporting camps and a third, privately-owned old sporting camp in the area.  The ambiance of the old log cabins, some dating back to logging camps preceding their conversion to sporting camps in the 1890s, the excellent food (I couldn't help comparing the fresh salads we enjoyed to the salt pork and beans of the early logging camps), the amazing compatibility of the group (we are hosting a reunion) and new powder snow (some of the best cross-country skiing I have had in years), all combined to make a most memorable trip!”
            More than sixty donors have contributed two and one half million dollars to the Dartmouth Medical School for the purpose of honoring O.Ross McIntyre by establishing The O.Ross McIntrye, M.D.  Endowed Professorship, one of the highest honors in academia.  Ross lead the Norris Cotton Cancer Center from 1974 to 1992, during which time  it was recognized by the National Cancer Institute as one of only 39 comprehensive cancer centers . Congratulations, Ross!
            Blossom Blum tells me that the lead prosecutor in the Elliot Spitzer follies is Boyd Johnson III, son of  our Boyd Johnson Jr.  Boyd III has been an assistant attorney general in the Southern District of Manhattan  office for at least five years .We can expect to see his name in the news for a while.
            I am saddened to write of so many of our losses : John Anderson, Charles Aye, Jim Boen, John Boyle, Bob Callender Ben Dew, Howard Clery, Lewis Darby, Fritz Harrell Sr.,  David Polk, and Al Stover. All were men of stature,  fulfilling that early promise of success. They dealt with challenges and sorrows and became leaders in their respective fields and communities. To each of their families, I offer the sincere condolences of our class.
Mark H. Smoller; 4 Schuyler Drive, Jericho, NY 11753; (516) 938-3616;

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